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Conner Hall, completed in the fall of 2022, is a modern and inviting dormitory on campus for female residents. Offering a comfortable student living experience, the hall comprises suites with two adjoining rooms with a private bathroom. 

Cost: $1,800/semester

Dowling Hall, a female dorm, was built as a result of the generous contributions of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dowling in 1996. This residence hall is unique due to its featured courtyard located in the center of the rooms.

Cost: $1,700/semester

Built in 1947, McAllister Hall is the oldest female dorm on campus. To preserve its history and continue its functionality, the dorm underwent a renovation of $1.5 million in 2009. McAllister is a two-story building that contains rooms on both floors. 

Cost: $1,700/semester

John E. Roller Hall, originally known as Robinson Hall, was built in 1960 in honor of the late BPC President, R. L. Robinson. The once retired dormitory underwent major renovations in 2021. After the remodel, the female dormitory was renamed after John E. Roller, a lifelong advocate and supporter of Brewton-Parker College. 

Cost: $1,800/semester

Redding Hall, will be completed in the fall of 2023, and stand as a modern and inviting dormitory on campus. Offering a comfortable living experience for female students, the hall comprises suites with two adjoining rooms that share a private bathroom. 

Cost: $1,800/semester

Friendship Hall, built in 1993 is one of the male dorms on campus. Each room has a bathroom that is shared with an adjacent room. Friendship is special due to its courtyard located in the center of all the rooms.

Cost: $1,700/semester

Leroy Hall, built in 1967, is one of the male dorms on campus. Originally, known as West Hall due to its location on the West side of campus; however, was later renamed Leroy Hall in honor of Mr. Jack Leroy, an alumni and a longstanding active trustee for Brewton-Parker. LeRoy was renovated in 2015.

Cost: $1,700/semester

Built in 1984, Thompson Hall is one of the male dorms on campus. Originally named East Hall due to its location on the East side of campus, was later renamed Thompson Hall in 1991. In 2015, Chartwells Food Services made a generous donation that resulted in a full renovation.

Cost: $1,600/semester

Warren C. Crawley, Sr. Commons, previously known as Baron Ridge, finished construction in 2019. This male commons houses upper-class students and was renamed in honor of Mr. Warren C. Crawley, Sr. in 2020. Crawley Commons is comprised of four buildings: Robinson Hall, Thigpen Hall, Patterson-Zezulka Hall, and Cochran Hall.


Robinson Hall - $1,700/semester

Thigpen Hall - $1,800/semester

Patterson-Zezulka Hall - $1,800/semester

Cochran Hall - $1,700/semester

Feature Teaser

Thank you for your interest in the Brewton-Parker College. At BPC we strive to provide an excellent education and transformational college experience. We believe that your academic and social life will be significantly impacted for the better by living on campus. That’s why we provide housing for all students for all four years. Our mission is to provide safe and comfortable accommodations that optimize the spiritual, academic, and social development of every student. For most of you, it’s your first time away from your family. We’ve been there. And we want to make you feel at home in Baron Nation! 


Our residence halls will be your home away from home. Here you will learn to thrive and honor God through community with your peers. This is where you’ll sleep, study, stay up all night binge-watching your favorite shows, avoid burning the popcorn, wash your own clothes and make memories with your roomies.


So go ahead, make yourself at home!


Cheyenne Bowen

P.S. Complete the Housing Application below and don't forget to sign up for a move-in time after!


Housing Application